Nobody’s Listening

Client: Upstream


The centrepiece of 'Nobody’s Listening: The Forgotten Voices of Sinjar' is an immersive exhibition and ground-breaking virtual reality experience that commemorates the Yazidi genocide committed by ISIS in the summer of  2014 in northern Iraq. 

The immersive  environment provides maximum impact helping to generate greater  international awareness regarding the events of the 2014 genocidal campaign and its profoundly devastating  consequences.  This is a forward-facing exhibition that  focuses on what needs to happen next. It provides a platform for  survivors and displaced people to tell their stories, display their  expressions of painting, sculpture, and poetry – and make their voices  heard about what actions are still needed.


Room-scale Interactive Documentary & VR Experience

This experience has been released in four languages.

Project Brief

VR for Good

Project Delivery

This room-scale interactive experience transports viewers to northern Iraq using a blend of 360-degree documentary film-making, stunning Yazidi artwork and the latest virtual reality technology.

A unique branching narrative set in Kocho village, Sinjar, enables users to hear from a young Yazidi woman abducted and sexually enslaved by ISIS, from her brother who survives a massacre, and from an ISIS fighter who attacks the village.


WINNER: 2022 VR Social Impact Award - Upstream / Yazda / Surround Vision – Nobody’s Listening

ImageVR Awards Winners

"The ‘Nobody’s Listening’ Exhibition is an important way to remind people of the horrors of ISIS, but also to inspire action to ensure this never happens again to Yazidis, Christians or any other Iraqi community."

– Ivana Waleed, Yazidi activist and genocide survivor